
Adhesives METHACRYLATE range


Methacrylate adhesive is a two-component adhesive for the assembly of plastics, metals, thermoplastics and polymers, composites, wood, etc. The bonding results on different materials are very good even without surface treatment.

After curing, the methacrylate adhesive is an impact resistant adhesive. This essential property for a methacrylate adhesive offers a total resistance of the bonding after the assembly of the materials.

Methacrylate Flexible Adhesives

Points titre


Points titre
  • High impact resistance
  • Fast curing

  • High elongation
  • Flexible
Reference Color Viscosity(mPa.s) HardnessShore Elongation(%) TensileStrengh(MPa) Technicaldatasheet
41 M10 Black
261-45 Creamy White - 50-60D 120-150 8-10
261-15 Creamy White - 50-60D 120-150 8-10
8533 Creamy white / black - 74D - -

Points titre

Points titre

Methacrylate Semi-rigid Range Adhesives

Points titre


Points titre
  • High impact resistance
  • Fast curing
  • High elongation
Reference Color Viscosity(mPa.s) HardnessShore Elongation(%) TensileStrengh(MPa) Technicaldatasheet
8531 White / blue 87 500 73D 40 -
8411 Creamy White 1 500 75D 25 18,5
214 Green / transparent - 75D 30 22

Methacrylate Rigid Range Adhesives

Points titre


Points titre
  • High impact resistance
  • Fast curing
  • High elongation
Reference Color Viscosity(mPa.s) HardnessShore Elongation(%) TensileStrengh(MPa) Technicaldatasheet
8511 Amber - 55D - -
8522 Clear 25 000 75D 5 -
8421 Off-white / amber - 75D 12 -
213 Transparent - 60D 5 12
Picto Impact resistance
Picto Strong elongation
Picto 1 component
Picto Chemical resistance
Picto Flexible adhesive
Picto 2 components
Picto Thermal resistance